Curiosity Card Game

 The curiosity card game has over 150 questions and prompts that explores categories and topics to gain insights and have fun with others. It can be used as a ice breaker, team builder, to develop and strengthen relationships, and just to have some fun :)

Pick a category below, ask the question, and let the fun flow!

There are no right or wrong answers, just genuine sharing and feel free to pass on any question. 

Play it different ways by everyone answering the same question, or by answering and then picking the next question to ask another person a question of choice like tag. Pre select questions for your group by writing them down on pieces of paper and then randomly play by drawing questions from your own cards and even ask some of your own questions. Ask dream questions of yourself or others just before bedtime. Look at a question to reflect on and ask it of others throughout the day. Slip into purses, lunches, onto mirrors, desks, refrigerators, in your car, or memorize some for daily encounters. 

Afterwards, explore and share insights, discoveries, feelings, and ask for more clarity or details which often happens naturally. Through sharing we create interest and understanding in each other, Enjoy! 




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