Curiosity Card Game
The curiosity card game has over 150 questions and prompts that explores categories and topics to gain insights and have fun with others. It can be used as a ice breaker, team builder, to develop and strengthen relationships, and just to have some fun :)
Pick a category below, ask the question, and let the fun flow!
There are no right or wrong answers, just genuine sharing and feel free to pass on any question.
Play it different ways by everyone answering the same question, or by answering and then picking the next question to ask another person a question of choice like tag. Pre select questions for your group by writing them down on pieces of paper and then randomly play by drawing questions from your own cards and even ask some of your own questions. Ask dream questions of yourself or others just before bedtime. Look at a question to reflect on and ask it of others throughout the day. Slip into purses, lunches, onto mirrors, desks, refrigerators, in your car, or memorize some for daily encounters.
Afterwards, explore and share insights, discoveries, feelings, and ask for more clarity or details which often happens naturally. Through sharing we create interest and understanding in each other, Enjoy!
Share an unfulfilled dream, will it ever be possible?
What would you like to do better? Are there any steps you could take?
What do you wish would change in the world? Can you do anything that helps that?
Name a long term goal you have and hope to achieve
What would you like to accomplish this year?
If you could obtain 1 new ability tomorrow what would it be?
What would you like to be in charge of if you magically could?
What would you like to do more of? what could make that happen?
If you could wipe out 1 historical event, what would it be?
What is one animal species you would like to protect? why?
If you could dream anything you wanted tonight what would the topic be?
If you were to write a book what would the topic be?
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
Tell about an exciting event that happened while you were outdoors in nature
Share a special memory you have of growing up
What was the worst pollution you have seen on land? how about water?
What was a special age for you and why?
What is one of your earliest memories?
What is the most remote places you've been? did you like it?
Name a game you played outside when you were young
Tell of a happy moment in your life
Name an extreme thing you've done any time in your life
Recall an embarrassing moment in your past
Have you seen or heard someone doing something nice this week?
Describe a scary ecperience you had with the weather
Who significantly influenced your life in a positive way, how did they do that?
Share 1 or more lessons of value you learned growing up
Who was one of your best teachers or bosses? Why were they so good?
What is one or more things you love about being in nature?
Name a quality you like about a person you are with right now
Name 1 or more things you like to experience with others
What is one thing you like to experience at home?
What is a special thing you enjoy about where you live?
What cartoon character do you like and why?
Name an animal you like and why
What do you like to experience on vacations?
Name a quality or two your parent or parents had
Name something you are good at
What is your favorite bird and why?
Where is a place in nature you enjoy going to?
Pick a season and explain why you like it
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Complete the sentence
I'm learning to...
I'm happy when...
A special time I remember when young was...
The people who love me don't...
I love it when...
People who love me always make me feel good by...
I get angry when...
If I were a poet I would write about...
I feel very happy when...
I would like to be the world expert on...
What seems unfair to me is...
If I could take my body to a repair shop, I'd have them fix...
I used to... but now I...
Today is a nice day because...
Something I've never done but would like to do is...
If I could have another talent, it would be that I...
One word that describes me is...
I'm really pretty good at...
Learning & Discovery
What are 3 good qualities in a parent?
What are good qualities in a boss?
What are good qualities in a friend?
Why do people procrastinate? what helps with it?
Name a feeling you get around young children
Name how you feel being around elderly people
What is a fantasy about war?
Talk about 1 thing you have learned about life
Give a tip for enjoying life
What kind of flower would you be and where would you like to be located?
What are 3 keys to happiness?
What are a few qualities people like in others?
What have you learned about love?
What is the reward for raising children?
What is a thing or two you have learned about money?
What is something you've learned about problems?
What do you enjoy about nature?
What are things you do to relax and find peace?
What have you learned about supporting others or getting support from others?
What have you learned about rushing, how does it feel, does slowing down help?
What qualities make for a good worker co-worker?
How can communicating resolve a lot of things?
What is something you have learned about anger?
Name a handy gadget or tools you use often
What is a fantasy about marriage?
What value would you like to instill in kids or adults?
What are some good listening skills that help others feel heard?
What qualities in others do you admire?
What have you learned about how to have fun?
What qualities does a good teacher have?
What is 1 thing you have learned about people?
What have you learned about arguing?
Share about how most things really aren't an emergency as much as we think they are
What can be learned from mistakes? Can mistakes be fixed or learned from and let go?
What is a fantasy about money?
What have you learned about time and patience?
What have you ever done to be creative or would like to do?
What is a fantasy about drugs?
What have you learned about risking?
What have you learned about forgiveness and forgiving?
What is it about dogs that people love?
What qualities do you admire in others?
How do you fell when helping others?, who do you help or have helped?
Explain how everything is always changing, how does flowing help?
What's the difference between a human being and human doing?
How are drugs negative to a person using them and those around them?
What do you wish you had more money for?
What is something special that happened this year?
What is a strength you have, how about a weakness?
What would you do if you couldn't complain?
What are some excuses and reasons that get in your way of creating what you want?
What do you like about your life? what could be better?
Name a quality you value in others and the person you are with
What has changed recently for you?
Pick your own question and ask it now
Who is a good supporter of you, what qualities do they have?
Does your home have any rules? Mention a few
What are some good qualities in a neighbor?
Who is one of your role models and why?
What makes for a good leader?
What area in your life is especially good?
Name 3 qualities you would like or do like in a mate?
Name 1 or more things in your life that you are grateful for
Name something precious to you, why is it special?
How are you like your parents?
Name a very hard thing you have had to do
What do you fear about old age?
If you didn't have to work, what would you do?
What is one or more values you think your parents wanted to instill in you?
What would you like to be remembered for after you die?
Pick an object in the area and relate how it is similar to you
How and in what ways are we all connected and interconnected in the world?
What podcasts, magazines, YouTube, or tv do you like?
What are the really important things in life to you?
Describe a beautiful sound
How do you feel about pollution and the planet?
How do you feel when other criticize you?
All Play
Name one or more things you do to relax and to take care of yourself
Is there anything that seems magical to you?
Why are fun people fun to be around? What makes them fun?
What kind of dog are you most like? Why?
What is considered a special treat to you?
What have you complained about recently?
What are you concerned about in the world?
What are the advantages to just being yourself?
What do you worry about most often, can you take a step to lesson it?
What is the meaning of a friend to you and how are they with you?
Name a gentle animal and what you like about it
In what way are you like your parent or parents?
What is a favorite sound in the city/ how about in nature?
What is a favorite insect and why?
If you were a tree what kind would you be? Where would you like to be located?